This week I spoke in Westminster Hall to mark World AIDS Day which is taking place on Sunday.
The debate allowed us to reflect on the progress we have made, the challenges that remain and the road ahead in our collective fight against HIV and the stigma so often associated with it, especially in the past.
You can view my entire speech here https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2024-11-27/debates/EA974B6B-37C2-4CDB-982D-3DB299C37F58/WorldAIDSDay?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2-jNpzDYz_Ud96cBYc8g36ERr7pIfg5KHXpkYtTvNV8YoGfXi66JEV_sw_aem_yOG39WW4x99Ixlo7tpJEcg#contribution-D4268FFA-F54F-40E3-9B6F-A2F56A8077F5