Working Together to Cut Crime

I will champion our local police force and will work together with Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner to tackle offences that affect residents in Sleaford and North Hykeham, such as rural crime. Ensuring our police officers can do their jobs as effectively and safely as possible is a top priority. I supported the previous Government’s pledge to boost our police force, including recruiting 189 extra officers in Lincolnshire.


Supporting the Victims and Prisoners Bill in Parliament

Last week in Westminster, the Victims and Prisoners Bill was taken to Parliament for its second reading. This vital piece of legislation will ensure that victims of crime are central to our justice system. The provisions of the Bill would include:

Welcoming Extra Police Officers to Lincolnshire

Latest figures show that 180 extra officers have been recruited in Lincolnshire as part of the Government’s pledge to put 20,000 more officers on the streets by March 2023.

Welcoming the Online Safety Bill

The Government's new Online Safety Bill will help protect people online by introducing new criminal offences and extra measures to require social media platforms, search engines and other apps to clamp down on harmful and illegal content.

Supporting the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill in the Commons

I am pleased to have supported the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill as it has made its way through the Commons. This landmark piece of legislation is overhauling our justice system so our police and courts have the resources to cut crime and keep our communities safe.